Monday, December 7, 2020


Wednesday 9th December 2020

"The world has changed: it did not change without your prayers without your faith without your determination to believe in liberation and kindness; without your dancing through the years that had no beat.”
- Alice Walker 

Let’s take a moment to reflect as we reach the final dance session for this year. A year of many challenges that turned our world upside down. Yet for many of us we kept dancing. The intensity and voracity of dance to support, transform and shape our lives is exactly what we needed in these difficult times. Weekly in our dance session we have connected with the power of movement and music to create the dances that give us the opportunity to experience our own inner strength and wisdom that give us the creativity to negotiate our present challenges.

Dance can also bring inspiration, creativity and growth. I hope that our fiercest of spirits breaks through to 2021 to leave behind the THANATOS archetype and connect again to life, living and connection.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

En~Trance Ecstatic Dance Journey: CONNECTION

Saturday 12th December 2020

Through the dance we become connected to everything that is. Our body is the portal to connecting to life with intensity. We bring our physicality, our emotions and our spirit into alignment and connection. We experience life fully in the present moment when we dance.

The shamanic journey begins when we extend this deep connection to access altered states – some traditions call these dream worlds, some call them spirit worlds. It doesn’t matter what you call them or what you believe – the truth is that dance connects us to states of consciousness which provide healing, insight and magic.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Wednesday 2nd December 2020

"The soul has an absolute and unforgiving need for regular excursions into enchantment."  
-Thomas Moore

Maybe its time to feel the wonder of life. Our dance in this universe is both a mystery and a miracle. On this tiny planet in the outer reaches of our galaxy have taken place every dance danced by every human being. We contain the entire history or our humanity here on this earth.

We look up into the clouds and are enchanted, we look into the deep blue see and we are expanded, we look up to the stars and we a captured by the wonder. These are amazing experiences that we can also dance into.

Dance is the portal to human experience. Through our movement and creativity we can open up our sense of enchantment, expansion and wonder. We can connect even for a fleeting dance, the wonder of the human experience.