Monday, February 26, 2024

dance - beyond habit

“Chains of habit are too light to be felt
until they are too heavy to be broken.”
_Warren Buffett

We all desire uniqueness, often interpreting it as being distinct from others, yet dance offers the chance to be different from ourselves. It allows us to shed what no longer serves us, embracing change gradually, step by step, with a sense of progression.

In the midst of the dance's excitement, it's easy to skim the surface and miss the essential steps that form a robust dance practice foundation. Our movements, typically habitual, echo our identity and history, making it crucial to introduce new ways of moving slowly. At the same time, rushing into novelty risks triggering our defence mechanisms, challenging our very sense of self.

A skilled facilitator guides a group through a creative, safe journey of increasing complexity in dance. This gradual approach is the beauty of dance. As we dance over time, we may one day wake up and realise, "I feel different." This realisation sparks joy because we've reached this transformation through our own creativity, with solid foundations that can withstand any challenge.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 19, 2024


“Be humble, for you are made of earth.
Be noble, for you are made of stars.”
_Serbian Proverb

Dance is the enchanting realm in which we can experience both humility and nobility. The rhythmic movements of our physical body honour our earthly origins and connection. There is a profound humility to be found when we embrace the interconnectedness of all life forms. This humility invites us to shed the ego and embrace the vulnerability of offering our dance to another. When we surrender to the group, our collective dances weave a tapestry of interconnectedness that reflects the beauty of our oneness.

Dance is also the magical elixir that provides us with the power to feel into and experience the full magic and mystery of our human existence. As we dance with feet planted firmly on our Gaian mother, our movements beckon us to embody our celestial essence, transcending all of our perceived limitations so that we can reach for the stars – to dream, to connect to wisdom, and to transcend into the mystery.

When we embody the beautiful balance of humility and nobility we discover the true essence of conscious dance. This powerful existential experience creates a mirror for self-reflection that can become the catalyst for transformation, inspiring us to dance into our journeys of self-discovery. This is the sacred dance of life that unites body, mind and spirit that becomes purposeful, magical, and enchanting.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 12, 2024

Soulful Dance

“Dance to the rhythm of life, 
letting every moment be an expression of your soul.

Our amazing bodies are able to convey a multitude of emotions and intentions through movement, transcending the mere physicality of movement and entering into the realm of dynamic expression. Is this the origin of dance? Whether influenced by our mood, intension or the desire to communicate, our bodies’ response to the stimulus of sounds and music in a profound and significant way. Synchronised with music we are able to use rhythm as a visceral response creating a tangible connection to the rhythms of life itself

On the other hand, melody serves as a gateway to our emotional depths, awakening the feelings within us that allow us to explore the wide spectrum of our human existence. As melodies unfold they can infuse our movements with a distinct dynamic that evokes the hues of joy, longing, excitement, and ecstasy. Similarly, music enriched with harmonies transcends the mundane inspiring sometimes contemplations, sometimes meditation, gracefully leading us to moments of profound transcendence.

This is the power of dance – the intricate relationship between body and music that leads to the expressive potential of our moving bodies. The dance becomes the language that transcends words, allowing us to articulate the depths of our being. Dance becomes an exercise of the soul which can find liberation, lightness, and freedom as our bodies become vessels through which the entirety of existence finds expression. To dance is to be the ecstatic flow of life itself.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 5, 2024

dancing away FEAR

“Forget safety. Live where you fear to live.”

Timid movements of fear act as self-imposed barriers that shut down our experience of life. A body frozen in fear restricts the full spectrum of experiences that life has to offer. We are reluctant to engage with the full richness of our existence. Standing in the wings we envy, aspire, and yearn to join those who dance the dance of life fully.

The invitation to dance for some is an inexplicable and puzzling fear that I sadly encountered recently. Dance encourages us to dissolve any frozen emotions that may bind our bodies. It beckons us to let, take that first step, and feel the release in our bodies as we connect to joy and the pleasure that dancing can offer.

This is a safe space where richness and variety of music can envelop us in in a dance saturated with life. The dance floor becomes a haven in which we can feel supported when, for those magical moments our totality is captivated by the dance. We bring our feelings – and leap forward into the unknown. We bring our movement – and reclaim mastery over our expression. We bring our spirit - and reclaim the liberation and transcendent experience that invites us to embrace the beauty and wonder of our existence in all its complexity.

_Christos Daskalakos