Monday, October 26, 2020


Wednesday 28th October 2020
“When you dance, you can enjoy the luxury of being you.” 
_Paulo Coelho 

Do you ever find yourself hooked into goals and expectations in life? We seem to have been programed somewhere into a narrative that we are not enough. There is always something to fix, something to change, to make life better.

Dance can show us that actually life is not static. Living is a flow of change. No moment is the same as another. There is no moment of arrival when all will be fine. Judgement gets in the way of life.

In the dance is wonderful because it can quickly short-circuit this story we repeat over and over to ourselves. When we let go into the dance without any expectations or judgments, the dance becomes perfect, I become perfect, and life becomes perfect JUST THE WAY IT IS!

"The whole point of dancing is the dance." - Alan Watts

Monday, October 19, 2020


Wednesday 21st October 2020

“Dreams come a size too big so we can DANCE into them.”

The beauty of the dance is that we don’t always have to put a name to everything we feel. And so we can open up the possibilities by dancing into them. Life offers us the dance as a way to explore the possibilities. There are no steps to learn because there is no ‘right way’. Just as the dance can unfold in a myriad of ways, so can life. Which drum beat are you following? Which is the music you are listening to? Maybe that will give you the clue to your dance.

In the corner of our heart lies a little dream. It could be something put off for another time, something forgotten or something we feel remains just a dream. Well, why not uncover that corner, dust off the dream and have some fun. The dance is perfect for that – we dance a lot and maybe our little dreams just grow.

Have the balls to follow your dreams: Dianna David At TEDex

Monday, October 12, 2020


Wednesday 14th October 2020

“People are like stained glass windows. 
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, 
their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” 

-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross 

Sometimes we get caught up in the idea that beauty is defined by external factors – society, what is cool, or what is acceptable. Each and every one of us is beauty manifest in so many different ways. When we look within we find the origin of this beauty to be the expression of our authentic self. Our dance is the unique way to express our true potential fully and is always perfect for us.

Through the dance we can connect with our authenticity. When we give full expression to who we are, our light shines through into the world and our inner beauty is revealed. Dance is the outward expression of this inner self. It gives expression to our inner vitality, our inner feelings, and our inner world. We allow the movements to let this manifest in a dance of beauty. The dance is a mirror of our authentic self.

Monday, October 5, 2020


Wednesday 7th October 2020

I awoke from a dream
One spring morning
And I could see
In colour and
I beheld life
As it truly is
And I was full of joy.


Do we lead a life in black and white or are we vibrant with colour? To do the ordinary will lead to ordinary experiences – to do something out of the ordinary will naturally lead to extra ordinary experiences.

Dance propels us out of the ordinary. Our movements are not goal orientated but rather emerge from a deep expression of self that lies in the heart of our being. Through the dance we can move around the ideas, barriers and rules of the mind and connect immediately and with intensity with our feeling self.

The question is – how willing are we to open the palette of life and paint with all the colours available. Dancing is an exciting way of opening that palette!

*I saw this quote painted on the wall of a cafĂ© in Soho, London when I was in my early 30’s and it awoke in me such a desire to experience life in colour – to explore – and to keep creating. That force of living has never left me.  That is why I DANCE!