Monday, February 28, 2022


“You dance love, and you dance joy, and you dance dreams.”
_Gene Kelley

For many people dance serves as a form of meditation, helping people to cope with the stress of living, shift emotions, and attain serenity.

When we slow down the activities of everyday life, we inevitably release the hold of those things that create stress, anxiety, and fatigue for us. The perpetual motion and emotion of the stories in our life can sometimes wear us out. How often do we give ourselves a break? We go to sleep tired and wake up exhausted. Sleep is not enough, we need to balance our waking life too. The concept of Vitality in Biodanza is about balancing action and rest. We are not really designed to be constantly on the go! We need a balance. Our body needs a balance. Our mind needs a balance.

When we dance, we step out of the everyday and give ourselves an opportunity to shift gears. Whether we dance with exuberance or just calmly, we can surrender ourselves to the flow. In the dance, our mind finds a moment of rest. When we are immersed in the dance it's hard to keep the chattering mind going. Sometimes it's hard to let go, but a simple breath, a simple pulsating movement, or even an expanding reach out of our body very quickly can help to bring us back into the body – the experience of movement – the joy of dance.

Serenity is a beautiful word to describe our state of being when we release all custody of being into the dance. Enveloped by the beautiful music, the heart stirs, and inevitably our body expresses itself in movement. This connection from music through the heart into dance is what creates those dances most serene!

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 21, 2022

Appreciating the Dance

“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, 
and the life of the candle will not be shortened. 
Happiness never decreases by being shared.”
- Buddha

Appreciation can be an action when it comes out of saying “thank you” in gratitude. We can appreciate ourselves, we can appreciate those around us and we can appreciate life itself. These three levels of appreciation can be expressed in words but even more powerfully through action. The way we can connect with appropriate action is to dance and embody the feelings that arise when we are in gratitude.

How often do we ever take a moment in our dance to appreciate that we are able to move in our bodies, that have the freedom to move unrestricted by repressive societies, and even more important that we have this beautiful planet on which to dance.

Last Saturday we lit the fire and danced in the garden under a sky through which the stars were peeping through. As I danced, I began to notice the exquisite beauty of the tree in front of me. I noticed the shape of the leaves, the geometric patterns, and the beautiful colours. I then turned to dance with everything around me, the grass, the stones, the twigs, the flowers, the clouds, the moon, the stars…everything. And a most amazing feeling of gratitude and appreciation emerged in my dance. My movements became a thousand ways to say “thank you” and through the dance, my heart felt wide open and connected to the entire cosmos.

Dance is able to amplify and extend our feelings. Dance is able to silence the constant and distracting chatter that occupies our minds. Dance offers us an opportunity to immerse ourselves into feelings, relationships and life – through embodiment, that is experiencing through the body – and amplified by the dance.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 14, 2022

DANCE - Love in Action!

“The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.”
_Blaise Pascal

Love is a universal field beyond time and space, belonging to no one and everyone. We have the capacity to connect into this field when we open our hearts. Love is not an action and we will not find it hiding in a book or under a rock. Love is a state of being and can be experienced through action. Love in action, are the conscious moments when we allow the flow of this energy to pour into and out of our hearts.

Dance is a wonderful opportunity to experience love in action. When I let go and am willing to experience the dance as an expression of me, it provides the space of acknowledgment, acceptance, and self-love. When I am able to access this in myself it is easier to recognise in the other and a natural progression is to find the connection with another in the dance. Romantic love may exist as a focused attachment to someone in particular, however, dance offers us the opportunity to experience undifferentiated love when we are willing to move and engage with every human miracle that presents in front of us. When we do this we experience cosmic love and find it easier to transcend any limitations we may put on ourselves and merge into this field of love beyond time and space.

Connecting to universal love and recognising the other as an expression of this love, is a very subversive act as it takes us beyond the separations, boundaries, and toxic cultures that control by sowing divisions. To invite someone to dance, to receive them in the dance and to dance without judgments or expectations is to recognise the sacred bonds that connect us in our humanity. This is cosmic love, and when it lands, it feels like a LOVE BOMB in your heart.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 7, 2022



“We cannot make another person change his or her steps,
to an old dance, but if we change our own steps,
the dance no longer can continue in the same
predictable pattern.”
_Harriet Lerner

It never ceases to amaze me how dance can create a shift and change on so many levels. I have experienced it changing the way I think, the way I feel, and even my outlook on life.

Over the last few decades, it has become part of common knowledge that the mind and body are connected and influence one another. We know that when we are feeling low, it is possible to change our endogenous mood simply by using uplifting music and setting the body into dance. Extreme forms of depression create catatonic states where movement is almost impossible. Trauma creates dissociation from the body as a person retreats into an overactive and negative mental state. These are extreme cases but sometimes even our everyday emotions can create a feedback loop of stuck-ness in us.

Emotion is visceral. Each one has a physical signature in our body. Change of heart rate and breath are two indications. But what is not so obvious is that our muscular and skeletal systems also fall into emotional holding patterns called invariants. The relationship between emotion and movement means that when we are in emotional contraction, holding the emotion, not only is our range of movement, and by implication our experience of life, limited but we can also cause injury to our body.

Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking that all emotions are bad and that we need to ‘get rid’ of them as quickly as possible. This is not the case. Emotions are an integral part of our experience of life. The problems arise when emotions are blocked, that is we hold onto them, or emotions are suppressed, we don’t even allow them to surface. These are the situations that affect the body in a negative way.

Dance and music are an extremely powerful way to not only connect to what we are feeling but also to induce change. In the dance, we can immerse ourselves in a healthy relationship and experience whatever we are feeling – and that is powerful. But at the same time in the dance, by moving our body and releasing the invariant tensions of emotion we can also allow them to flow naturally when appropriate.

It is possible to know when we have felt and released emotion when our body relaxes and we have peace of mind. Biodanza which has a well-researched methodology has a class structure that facilitates this process. Dance can connect us to a healthy relationship to what we are feeling, simply through appropriate music and movement. This is conscious dance at its best.

_Christos Daskalakos