Monday, October 30, 2023

Dance - A Celebration of Humanity

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”
_Martha Graham

In essence, dance is a celebration of the freedom inherent in human nature. It is a constant reminder of our capacity to express, create, and connect through a sensual living body. Our relationship with the world holds the capacity to both inspire and create beauty in ourselves and in others. Because dance has been part of human culture from times so ancient, we sometimes forget the powerful way it allows us to express emotions, thoughts, and creativity.

Part of that power is that dance transcends language and allows individuals to experience themselves and others at a very profound level. Language can sometimes be both divisive and restrictive. The natural syntony of dance creates a deep knowing that connects and expands our experience. We know through our dancing body long before we even find the words.

We can speak about peace amongst us, we can be poetic about love, but without any action, everything is but hollow words. Dance is an action. Not only does it allow us to understand our own physicality and emotions but when we dance together it transcends the barriers that keep us in our separation. Dance is the frontier of love. It frees us from our mental constraints and allows us to know each other in our humanity. Dance IS a celebration of our humanity.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, October 23, 2023

DANCE = reverse engineering

“The way to find yourself is in the fires of your enthusiasm.”
_Earl Nightingale

Dance offers us a unique way of gaining knowledge, one that defies the conventional methods of knowledge transmission. This is unlike traditional wisdom that flows in a linear fashion from those who know to those who don’t know either through text or oral teaching. Reverse engineering is a concept that usually relates to deconstructing mechanical marvels to find out how they were made. This is an apt description of how we gain knowledge through dance.

At its core, dance is a profound act of revelation. It is not merely a sequence of movements but a dynamic ritual of self-interrogation, a communion with the world within. As we reverse engineer our own gestures and expressions, we delve into the depths of our being, uncovering layers of emotions, memories, and aspirations. In this intimate dialogue with the self, we find knowledge not bound by the constraints of words or logic but written in the elegant strokes of movement.

Dance becomes a mirror, reflecting not only our physical form but the essence of our being. It is a testament to the idea that wisdom, in its purest form, is not taught but discovered, and in the intricate tapestry of dance, we find the threads that lead us back to the very core of our existence, unveiling the secrets that bind us not only to ourselves but also to the cosmic dance of life.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, October 16, 2023


“When you pray, move your feet!”
_African Proverb

The fleeting nature of dance can be a profound lesson in the ceaseless ebb and flow of life. Similar to Heraclitus’s ever-changing river, our dances are momentary sparks flickering through our experience. Once danced, the movement evaporates into the ephemeral stream of existence. Yet through the power that is dance, each movement is la whisper to the body sharing the secrets of life.

Life mirrors dance. We can never dance the same dance twice. Once danced, we cannot go back to the beginning and repeat it. The music may be on repeat, but the experience of the dance is a different experience, each time. From my experience on stage, I know how the same piece can feel different in each performance. The palette of feelings that each performance elicits depends on so many factors. And yet once the curtain goes up, the dancers move into the dance, fully passionate and excitement as if it was the first time.

The body keeps moving, the mind wanders into the past and future. Our bodies are firmly grounded in the present moment, acknowledging the sensations of the here and now. It is a vessel, a conduit through which the essence of life flows, where the tactile experience of the world is felt and expressed. In stark contrast the mind is not confined by the limitations of time or space. Instead, like a lone wanderer, it is free to revisit the echoes of the past, linger on memories and stories past. Or, launching into the yet-to-be-written chapters of life, indulging the imagination with feelings of fear, aspirations, and sometimes empty promises.

Dance is the anchor that connects us to our bodies, where experience without distraction can deepen and enrich life. Life in all its glory – ever changing, ever flowing on its cosmic journey.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, October 9, 2023

The Pleasure of Dancing our Sadness

“Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breathing. 
 It’s the rhythm of your life.”
_Jacques d’Amboise

Generally, we think of sadness as a negative emotion. We are programmed to think that our survival depends on avoiding painful experiences. If we are unwilling to feel and experience those moments of grief and sorrow in our lives, how do we ever get to feel happiness and joy? Emotions are physical signatures in our bodies which we interpret into feelings. If we block the body patterns of any particular emotion the body becomes rigid and resistant to the body patterns of all other emotions. We simply cannot choose, but rather embrace the full spectrum of our human existence – live the full range of our emotional symphony.

Dancing becomes a channel for emotional expression allowing us to face rather than suppress our feelings. The safety and grace of dance become a medium to explore the depths of our emotions and turn them into a creative energy that shapes life – and gives pleasure. Dance provides a cathartic release for all emotions by releasing tension in our bodies. The powerful force of a moving body can transmute emotions so that they become a flowing river of vitality rather than a stagnant pond, lifeless and sterile.

In essence, the pleasure of dancing our sadness lies in the transformative power of embracing ALL our emotions fully. Through dance, we navigate the intricate labyrinth of human emotions, finding beauty, strength, and ultimately, healing. In other words, learning to live life fully!

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, October 2, 2023

Dance Alters Perceptions

“If the doors of perception were cleansed,
everything would appear…as it is, infinite.”
_William Blake

I am dancing in the studio and I glance up to see multiple horizontal slithers of leaves dancing one against the other. I realise that I am noticing something different. The venetian blinds are creating an optical illusion. And I am reminded how the brain fills in the blanks. So many times I have looked out and seen trees - today I look out and see a symphony of movement. Dance heightens the senses and gives us a new perspective on life.

One moment I am immersed in a dance, lost in the music and my own movements but when my gaze is drawn upward towards the windows I am mesmerised. Horizontal slivers of leaves are moving backward and forward alive with a dance of their own. It’s different, I realise that something has shifted in my perception. The venetian blinds have created an illusion and it dawns upon me – the mind weaves stories where there are gaps. So many times have I looked out and seen trees as my brain filled in the blanks to present to me something that I know or assume is there. This time I see dancing art.

I am reminded of the profound wisdom dance imparts. It heightens our senses, allowing up to perceive the world not merely through the lens of habit but to awaken a spirit to a newfound perspective of life. Dance is not just a physical expression but a gateway to a heightened existence where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. Trees are no longer just trees but a delightful canvas that reflects the late afternoon sun into my dance, leaving me with wonder and awe at the beauty around me.

_Christos Daskalakos