Monday, October 30, 2023

Dance - A Celebration of Humanity

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”
_Martha Graham

In essence, dance is a celebration of the freedom inherent in human nature. It is a constant reminder of our capacity to express, create, and connect through a sensual living body. Our relationship with the world holds the capacity to both inspire and create beauty in ourselves and in others. Because dance has been part of human culture from times so ancient, we sometimes forget the powerful way it allows us to express emotions, thoughts, and creativity.

Part of that power is that dance transcends language and allows individuals to experience themselves and others at a very profound level. Language can sometimes be both divisive and restrictive. The natural syntony of dance creates a deep knowing that connects and expands our experience. We know through our dancing body long before we even find the words.

We can speak about peace amongst us, we can be poetic about love, but without any action, everything is but hollow words. Dance is an action. Not only does it allow us to understand our own physicality and emotions but when we dance together it transcends the barriers that keep us in our separation. Dance is the frontier of love. It frees us from our mental constraints and allows us to know each other in our humanity. Dance IS a celebration of our humanity.

_Christos Daskalakos

1 comment:

  1. Why am I forced to be anonymous? Going to Google asks me to open a blog and I'm not that kind of nerd :)
    I want to comment directly here. my views known. The depth of love I experience reading this blog amplified. The aha moments, the dejavu-s, the damn it that hits the nail on the head, the it is cold today and I must still go dance... All of this are not secrets. I want my the hugs I share twig memories of how I felt.... Love, Light and
    Khotso ☮️
