Monday, January 25, 2021


Wednesday 27th January 2021

“Dancers don’t need wings to fly.” 
_Ali Salami 

Unlock and release your human potential through dance. Dance can help us overcome limitations we might be placing on our path of personal development by reminding us of the tools we have at our disposal. Powers that are innate in us, powers that make us bigger than the point of view we hold about ourselves, powers that liberate.

Playing with TIME:
In the dance, the dance takes as long as it takes. We are not overwhelmed by a sense of urgency or lack of time. We have the power to expand time to fit the dance. This is a gift we can take into life to reduce stress and anxiety

Experiencing your FIRE:
Our fire is our passion for life. Dance reminds us of that we can feel and connect with our passion at any time. We are not dependent on others or wait for the perfect timing or conditions. We are free to bring this passion and fire into any of our dances – any circumstances, in our life

Generating ENERGY
Our bodies are miracle machines that create energy that sustains us. Often fatigue is really an emotional state when we feel overwhelmed. Feeling that we don’t have energy means that we close down and contract as we try to ‘preserve’ what we have. The dance is expanding and letting go, letting us connect again with our capacity to create energy and life.

Expressing CREATIVITY:
Each dance is a poem of creativity. Our bodies create new movements and shapes that find their expression in the dance. We are continuously creating beauty out of nothing other than our willingness to let go into the dance. Dance brings out and reminds us that at heart we are creative beings.

Monday, January 18, 2021


Wednesday 20th January 2021

“We must be willing to let go the life we’ve planed, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” 
_Joseph Campbell 

Shedding is about letting go layers and layers of personal history that seem to always determine how we live life now. Sometimes there are memories so precious we hold onto them as warm reminders. However sometimes amongst our treasure we seem to hold onto feelings and memories that are actually holding us back. What are the stories that keep us within limitations?

We can spend ages trying to sort this all out – or we can quickly and easily break free from the past in one movement. Breaking free of the past does not negate the wonderful experiences we have had and wish to cherish. Breaking free of the past is a simple act of choosing to focus your attention in the here and now. When we are fully present to what is happening around us we are able to interact and respond appropriately. Interacting and responding to life in the process of living; and not reacting to life in the process of memory and past experiences.

Dancing always takes place in the present. The music, the movements and the feelings are directly related to what is happening in the here and now. Through the dance we practice our ability to stay focused and in the present. Dance also shows us clearly the richness and joy we can find just by being present in the flow of life – not retreating into our personal history and dusty old feelings.

Dance is fresh – dance is now – dance is joy!

Monday, January 11, 2021


Wednesday 13th January 2021 

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” 
-Alan Watts 

Who am I?

Often we ask this simple question when we should be asking a question more relevant – “Who am I BECOMING?” To define ourselves is to accept that we have somehow reached an evolutionary endpoint in our development. Is that true? Are we not continuously changing, learning and evolving?

We are the dance as well as the dancer.

When we focus on the dancer – we are drawn into a story which is held in place with the “Who am I?” question. When we focus on the dance – we are the experience. When we shift our focus onto the journey, the experience, the dance – we connect with consciousness. Dancing as tool is able to hold our focus in the dance. Through the dance we can transcend the narrowing limitations of who we believe we are; and access the creative force that allows us to open the way towards BECOMING.

The dance is not about achieving an end point. The dance is about the experience of dancing. In the dance we connect with the sensations and feelings of moving. We connect with the joy of being in the present. We connect with the cosmic creative force of life. These allows us to embody change, feel into potential and draw on our incredible innate wisdom to create the perfect experience for our BECOMING.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

En~Trance Ecstatic Dance Journey: DREAMERS OF THE SUN

Saturday 16th January 2021

The dream world brings together the past, present and future. It helps us to remember who we are now, who we were, and who we will always be. This is the power of dreams.”
– Don Jose Matsuwa

Many shamans and cultures hold the belief that we are “dreaming reality into existence.” The Bushmen say that “Life is a dream dreaming us.” In ancient times, the gods dreamed themselves into existence – form emerged from formlessness and they dreamed, spinning visions into physical matter.

As dancers we can connect with this energy of manifestation. As dreamers living under the life giving force of the sun, we can dance, we can dream and we can create. The dance connects us with our power. The dance also allows us to enter into the free flow of creation. And the dance creates the magic. We are dreamers of the sun – co-creating our reality on this beautiful planet.

Monday, January 4, 2021

How can you shape your YEAR in the best possible way?

Wednesday 6th January 2020

“The interference of the mind is the biggest obstacle to flow, and of course, manifestation.”
- Gilbert Ross 


How can you shape your YEAR in the best possible way?

To manifest the new, shape life and be creative, we need to be in the flow – that beautiful state of being when everything seems to move smoothly. Creation is a delicate process which always needs to be in balance – what do we keep and what do we let go? Life flows along the path of least resistance and if we are creating blockages and barriers by holding onto that which does not serve us, life literally just flows by and we are left feeling that something is missing.

Holding, creating, and flowing are all found in the body – and through the dance we are able to connect and feel our way into shaping our life. Possibilities abound in the free flow of the dance. Here a feeling, there a sensation, we open up new prospects. Dance is not a rational process and sometimes appears to be bizarre. But feeling into something is much stronger than thinking into something. If we can imagine and feel the beauty we want to create and shape around us we can intensify our connection to this through the dance. This allows our visions and desires to be embodied and slowly begin to manifest in our life – if only we stay in the flow and not get in the way. Dance is a wonderful way to distract the mind so that it does not interfere with the process and instead of an obstacle it can become an ally in shaping life.

Let’s shape 2021 through the dance!