Monday, January 18, 2021


Wednesday 20th January 2021

“We must be willing to let go the life we’ve planed, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.” 
_Joseph Campbell 

Shedding is about letting go layers and layers of personal history that seem to always determine how we live life now. Sometimes there are memories so precious we hold onto them as warm reminders. However sometimes amongst our treasure we seem to hold onto feelings and memories that are actually holding us back. What are the stories that keep us within limitations?

We can spend ages trying to sort this all out – or we can quickly and easily break free from the past in one movement. Breaking free of the past does not negate the wonderful experiences we have had and wish to cherish. Breaking free of the past is a simple act of choosing to focus your attention in the here and now. When we are fully present to what is happening around us we are able to interact and respond appropriately. Interacting and responding to life in the process of living; and not reacting to life in the process of memory and past experiences.

Dancing always takes place in the present. The music, the movements and the feelings are directly related to what is happening in the here and now. Through the dance we practice our ability to stay focused and in the present. Dance also shows us clearly the richness and joy we can find just by being present in the flow of life – not retreating into our personal history and dusty old feelings.

Dance is fresh – dance is now – dance is joy!

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