Monday, October 2, 2023

Dance Alters Perceptions

“If the doors of perception were cleansed,
everything would appear…as it is, infinite.”
_William Blake

I am dancing in the studio and I glance up to see multiple horizontal slithers of leaves dancing one against the other. I realise that I am noticing something different. The venetian blinds are creating an optical illusion. And I am reminded how the brain fills in the blanks. So many times I have looked out and seen trees - today I look out and see a symphony of movement. Dance heightens the senses and gives us a new perspective on life.

One moment I am immersed in a dance, lost in the music and my own movements but when my gaze is drawn upward towards the windows I am mesmerised. Horizontal slivers of leaves are moving backward and forward alive with a dance of their own. It’s different, I realise that something has shifted in my perception. The venetian blinds have created an illusion and it dawns upon me – the mind weaves stories where there are gaps. So many times have I looked out and seen trees as my brain filled in the blanks to present to me something that I know or assume is there. This time I see dancing art.

I am reminded of the profound wisdom dance imparts. It heightens our senses, allowing up to perceive the world not merely through the lens of habit but to awaken a spirit to a newfound perspective of life. Dance is not just a physical expression but a gateway to a heightened existence where the ordinary transforms into the extraordinary. Trees are no longer just trees but a delightful canvas that reflects the late afternoon sun into my dance, leaving me with wonder and awe at the beauty around me.

_Christos Daskalakos

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