Dance can bring both lightness and joy to our lives. In short, it is a harmless activity that can bring happiness and fulfilment. So why is it so difficult for many people?
It would seem that some of these reasons are also exactly some of the benefits and powers of dance. Firstly, people may feel self-conscious about their dancing abilities or even what they may look like when dancing. They may also feel uncomfortable about their bodies or how they move. Yet, once we let go into the dance and release our inner creative and expressive self, not only do we gain self-confidence, but also a positive self-image, and self-esteem.
Secondly, there is sheer fear! Sometimes people are fearful of expressing themselves. To let go into the dance can be a space of vulnerability. In a society that is quick to assess, judge, and sometimes dismiss our efforts, this is a very real experience. It takes great courage to step out of this fear and through the doorway that leads to dance. But once we do that what awaits us is pure magic.
Each one of us is unique so that which keeps us from dancing and fully expressing ourselves may be different. However, once we move past these barriers and enter the dance we find that whatever it was that we were carrying slowly melts away. Maybe not all at once, but certainly each time we dance, we let go a little more. Until one day we feel in our body an incredible lightness. We dance without effort. We dance without fear. We dance with joy as our authentic being is given this incredible opportunity to express itself fully in the world.
_Christos Daskalakos