Tuesday, April 18, 2023

dancing IN SYNC

“Dance and music find their way into secret places of the soul.”

The beauty of dancing in a group is that as we move to the same rhythms, we start to create a collective energy that is often felt by everyone. Rhythmic patterns and movements create a shared sense of time and flow, bringing everyone into alignment with each other through the music. This shared experience allows individuals to connect deeply with a sense of unity and synchrony with others. This lies at the core of many studies that show that dance stimulates pro-social behaviour in communities.

The feeling of synchronicity can be incredibly powerful providing the dancers with a sense of connection and belonging that can be difficult to replicate in other contexts. This is experiential, embodied and lived in the moment, not rationalised or elaborated in mental ways. Dance transcends language barriers and by extension cultural differences. The joy and pleasure we experience when we dance with each other opens the way for feeling connected.

Not only does dance provide us this experience of being in sync with others but the magic and expansion we feel in the dance opens up the feelings and experience of being connected to the world. Through the dance we can truly say we are in sync, be it the people around us or to life itself in a big way.

_Christos Daskalakos

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


“Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames.”
– Rumi.

Dance is a celebration of life.

It allows us to express ourselves in ways that words cannot. Movement is a constant reminder that we are alive, that not only do we experience the world as it is, but we can also be inspired to create it the way we would like to see it. Dance brings people together, regardless. Whichever way we move, dance finds a way to unite us in joy.

Beyond words and language, dance has the power to inspire and uplift us. It reminds us that life can be experienced as full of joy, beauty, and magic. When we break free from our own limitations, be they the challenges of life, or the self-limiting stories we tell ourselves, we find that we can connect with the essence of who we are.

This experience is to be found in the present moment, exactly where we find dance. Here and now we are reminded to live fully, express ourselves freely and simply celebrate the beauty of existence. So whether we dance on our own, or with others, let us embrace this power of dance to inspire, uplift and celebrate the miracle of life.

_Christos Daskalakos