“We are free but we are not free.”
A common misconception is that completely unstructured free dance will naturally lead to feelings of freedom and self-expression. In practice, when given the opportunity to dance without any guidance, participants often default to familiar movement patterns shaped by habitual behaviours. Biodanza, however, offers a unique approach. While it is not a choreographed dance form, it is also not "free dance" in the conventional sense. Biodanza operates within a framework that fosters freedom by gently challenging the habitual movement patterns that reflect and reinforce our ways of being.
Structured improvisation in dance becomes the foundation for true freedom. Within thoughtfully created parameters, we find the safety and support to break free from the constraints of habitual movement and explore new possibilities. The invitation is for us to connect with the freedom to dance—not as a random or arbitrary act, but as an exploration of the authentic expression of our being in the moment.
Biodanza is a process of personal and human evolution. Its “structure” is not based on prescribed movements or technical precision aimed at achieving a specific aesthetic. Instead, it lies in the intentional creation of conditions that allow participants to experience vivencias—deep, present-moment experiences—with a clear purpose. Paradoxically, when we free ourselves from all habit, it is within new structures that we discover the boundless potential of self-expression, where movement becomes a gateway to transformation, connection, and profound joy.
_Christos Daskalakos