Monday, February 24, 2025

Dance is the Doorway

“To dance is to be out of yourself. 
Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. 
This is power, it is glory on earth 
and it is yours for the taking.”
_Agnes De Mille

I wonder if the hesitation to dance is really a fear of being in the body. We have inherited centuries of negative perceptions, opinions, and beliefs about the body—stretching back to Plato, who idealized abstract perfection over tangible reality. Mind over body—a history of subjugation, repression, and guilt. Perhaps this fear also arises from what might surface if we allow our dancing body to speak—sensations, memories, and stories long held within us.

And yet, this very aspect—the one so often feared—is the true power of dance. The moving body is not only a doorway but also the key to healing, enriching, and expanding our connection to life. To live solely from the mind, disconnected from the body’s wisdom, is to remain disempowered, never fully trusting the sensations, intuitions, and perceptions that arise from within.

Dance is a profound journey of empowerment—one that awakens a deeper connection to ourselves, teaching us to trust, to find safety, and ultimately, to stand in awe of our miraculous existence. Our body is not an obstacle but an ally, holding infinite intelligence. When we embrace it, we discover that life is not a burden to be endured but a mystery to be celebrated.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 17, 2025

Do something - DANCE!

“I wish to live a life that causes 
my soul to dance inside my body.”
_Dale Olanubi

When life grinds to a halt, the soul cries out—Do something!

Stagnation can take many forms. We may find ourselves trapped in endless cycles of overthinking, analysing, and rehashing old stories. Or, just as easily, we can be seduced by the heart, sinking deep into emotion.

Sometimes these thoughts and feelings bring pleasure, sometimes pain. Either way, we can become trapped, believing that feeling is somehow better than thinking. But in truth, both can hold us captive. Thought and emotion, when unchecked, lead to the same place: inaction.

Inaction feeds the stagnation and if our thoughts or feelings are negative, they intensify, colouring our entire perception of life. We begin to see the world through the lens of our stuckness.

The only way out is movement. To shift our state, we must step beyond thought and feeling—we must act. This is what it means to dance with life.

We cannot think or feel dance—it is not a memory of the past or a projection into the future. Dance exists only in the now. And though fleeting, it holds immense power. Dance is not an escape from the mind or heart; it is their integration. In movement, thought and feeling are no longer separate from the body but become one with it.

When the body is in motion—flowing, shifting, alive—our thoughts begin to move in creative ways, our hearts expand into deeper feeling, and our senses awaken to the fullness of life.

We are, quite literally, on the move.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 10, 2025

Dance: A Celebration of Life

“Life is a celebration waiting to unfold.
Embrace it, savour it,
and dance to the rhythm of your own joy.”

Dance is life affirming because it is an intrinsic expression of being alive. Across cultures and throughout history, humans have danced to celebrate, to grieve, to connect, and to heal. Biodanza, meaning "Dancing with Life," recognizes this deep connection, using movement to awaken our vitality, joy, and capacity for love.

What makes dance so universal is its ability to integrate body, mind, and emotion without the need for words. Psychological research links rhythmic movement with elevated mood, enhanced memory, and greater coordination—yet beyond these benefits, dance speaks directly to our need for connection and self-expression. It is the most accessible art form, requiring nothing but a willingness to move with feeling.

To dance is to say yes to life, to embody presence, and to embrace the moment fully. It reminds us that we are more than our thoughts—we are movement, breath, and rhythm intertwined. In every step, spin, or sway, we reaffirm our existence, celebrating the simple yet profound truth that we are alive.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, February 3, 2025

dancing into INTENTION

“For the body tells all to him who knows the language, and doesn’t lie.”
_Kai Ashante Wilson

Intention is like an inner compass, guiding us toward how we want to feel and experience life. Unlike goals, which are specific, measurable, and outcome-driven, intentions allow us to move with freedom, flowing toward the creative force that shapes our existence. Intentions arise from the heart rather than the mind, opening space for fluidity and transformation rather than rigid expectations. But how do we truly know what we are feeling?

We must learn to trust the subtle messages of our bodies—the whispers of intuition, the gentle pull of an unspoken knowing. Dance offers a profound way to connect with these inner signals. When we surrender to movement, we bypass the analytical mind and access a deeper wisdom. Just as a dance unfolds organically through time and space, so too can life flow when guided by our inner compass—quiet, ineffable, yet undeniably powerful.

Dancing with intention is an invitation to embody what we seek—not as a distant goal, but as a lived experience. In movement, we become the essence of our desires, each step a declaration of how we choose to engage with life. When we dance, we align with our deepest being, not as something shaped from the outside, but as a continuous poem of self-creation, written in motion.

_Christos Daskalakos