Wednesday 9th September

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over,
but expecting different results.”
- Albert Einstein
Dancing under the stars with a bright full moon is most awe-inspiring. In these moments it feels as if my body and mind become mere spectators to the majesty and expansion of the heart. To dance in awe is to experience life from a completely different perspective.
The shaman’s path is to connect with nature, to be in awe of all that is. Being in awe is part of our evolution. Opening up to the strangeness of life is the doorway into the unknown and ultimately to wisdom and knowledge. Awe precedes growth and if we can stand in awe of our dance – we will learn and grow from it.
When the dance becomes routine, a habitual movement that seems to keep expressing the same emotions then we too will be stuck in the same loop of experience. There is no formula for connecting with awe except to look through the eyes of innocence with an open heart. To dance with an open heart is as sure way towards dancing in awe.
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