Monday, November 23, 2020


Wednesday 25th November 2020

“Dancing is the palette that puts colour on the canvas of life.” 

Open your senses to a life full of colour. We are surrounded by the vibrations of beauty yet so often we close down our senses and experience our world in muted or subdued hues. Life is an endless pattern of colour, patterns and magic. If open all our senses, not just our eyes we encounter new vistas, new creations and new possibilities.

Dancing is a beautiful way of sensitising our bodies, opening our senses and connecting us to the world around us. Listen to the music, smell the surrounding space, let the air touch your skin – as we dance and drop into our bodies we open up our connection to the world through our senses.

All colours have their own particular vibration. Let our body start to vibrate along the full spectrum of life. This is not about ‘raising our vibration’ this is about ‘exploding our vibration’ into fullness through the dance.

Monday, November 16, 2020


Wednesday 18th November 2020

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” 
~George Lucas

Would you like to be able to focus on what you are doing – with ease? In the world we live in we are constantly bombarded with stimuli, bombarded with distractions and bombarded with interruptions. Social media via our telephones, emails and internet are the primary culprit. But so is our obsession with trying to multitask and get through as many activities as we can during the day.

Dance can change the way our brain works. When we engage in creative dancing the brain centers that encourage divergent thinking are reinforced. Divergent thinking is our ability to look for many options and possibilities to any give problem. However connecting with rhythm in a more structured way encourages the brain’s convergent thinking abilities. Convergent thinking is our ability to focus completely on one task.

Dance can offer you focus because by its very nature it is an activity that requires our full attention. It is hard to dance and read a book! When we bring our full attention to the dance we include our physicality, emotion and even imagination. Totally engrossed in the creation of a dance moment by moment our brain learns to focus.

By the way, switching off your cell phone and computer when you need to concentrate on an important task, also helps!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2020


Wednesday 11th November 2020

To dance is to be yourself. 

Larger, more beautiful, more powerful. 

This is power on earth and it is yours for the taking.” 

-Agnes DeMille 

Access the treasure that lies within your own heart. Access the wisdom that is your body. So often we look outwards to make our life complete. We look to others to complete us or give us the circumstances and things that we think will bring happiness, contentment and peace.

The truth is that we don’t have to go outwards – we have all these gifts within us. We are walking miracles with heart, body and mind that can provide everything we ever need to create a meaningful life. We just need to find the way to access these gifts.

This is where dance comes in. We move with our whole body, we include our emotions and fire our imagination. In the special dance_space we create through our dances we create the doorway into the subconscious from where we receive gifts of insight, healing and wisdom. Dances is really quite a powerful medium to do this. It brings us into the present, dissolves time and lets us focus directly on what we need. It involves our whole being so that the gifts we receive are integrative, just like our dance. This means that no one part of us dominates, not the mind, not the body. Every aspect of us is involved which is the basis of the wisdom and gifts we receive from dance.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

En~Trance Ecstatic Dance Journey: TOTEM

Saturday 14th November 2020

What does your totem animal reveal about you?

Connecting with the animals in dance is an ancient practice. We witness many shamans wearing animal like costumes. On cave art we see trance dancers depicted half animal half human. To connect with the animal in the dance is to connect with the qualities, powers and gifts that animal has to offer. As we dance what images are revealed? What is the animal saying to us?

By dancing the animal we embody and feel the messages they have to offer. We feel the qualities and powers of the animal and how they may be useful in our life. We take on these qualities and make them our own and so integrate the totem animal in us.

Monday, November 2, 2020


Wednesday 4th November 2020

“The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence 
but in the mastery of his passions.” 
- Alfred Lord Tennyson 

What are the things that prevent us from living fully?

Start to live in all its fullness – we only need to dare to dream, dare to connect fully with ourselves – no holding back, no regrets. Dance is a wonderful place to experience the intensity of life. When we let go and dance with fun and no hesitation we gradually move into deeper connection with the core of our being. We give ourselves the permission to acknowledge, connect and express our instinctive drives. We dance and find the power of expressing our feelings fully.

Connect and use the music! It is your friend and ally on this journey of dance. Where do you feel the music, what gets you moving? Learning and re-learning happens in the body through movement. When we are still, we are stuck. The fears that keep us from dancing are the fears that prevent our life from flowing. Sadly bound up like this, we forget to live life as it should be experienced – with joy, with passion and with total engagement.

Let dance be your life partner. Dare to dance, and by extension, dare to live!