Monday, March 29, 2021


Wednesday 1st April 2021

“Life only makes sense when you perceive it as a mystery 
and it makes no sense to the conceptualizing mind.”
_Anthony de Mello

Have you ever felt that life is passing you by, or that it feels like a drag? Usually these feelings are related to the stories we tell ourselves about how life should be, or how it could be better if only, etc. These are stories that take us away from direct engagement and experience in the world. When we retreat into our head, shutting out the world around us then yes, life is passing by. Its passing when we feel disconnected.

To begin to engage an experience the world around us fully and with intensity we need to engage all of our senses. Dropping into the body we smell, touch and taste and see the world engaging on every level with what is presented to us. And when we open up our sense fully and take it all in we connect with the grandeur and marvel of everything around us. Suddenly the what, the who and how are not so important as just BEING IN THE BEING.

Dance has a wonderful way of stimulating our senses and allowing us to engage with life with more sensitivity. Because it is such a powerful body-based modality, we automatically connect with our sense bringing this wonderful ‘machine for living’ to life. We awaken to life in new ways with new perceptions creating new experiences. Just like the dance, there are no outside goals and destinations. The pleasure and enjoyment takes place in the doing, in the dancing. Truly we dance with life and awaken to magic past our wildest imagination.

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