Monday, April 26, 2021


Wednesday 28th April 2021

“To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak.”
_Hopi saying

Dance is more than just a physical activity. It involves us on so many levels that the outcomes and benefits are many and sometimes quite unexpected. The mind body integration of dance means that when we dance we often develop cognitive skills such as thinking, being creative and finding focus. There is also a connection to the emotional centres of the brain and so we find that movements and emotions are also linked. It’s quite complex and difficult to unravel but the magic of dance is that we don’t have to do or think anything, we just dance.

When we are willing to venture into the world of dance all possibilities open up before us. For some it may be meeting a new friend and finding connections with other people. For others it may shift stuck emotion and energy opening up feelings of freedom and liberation. Sometimes simple insights seem to emerge out of nowhere and suddenly in the middle of the dance we have flash, an idea, or even see the solution to a problem.

The point is, we never know where our dance is going to take us and that is part of the magic. Each time we step onto the dance floor it’s like we are opening up another gift from life. It often feels like our dance knows what we need and offers us the most appropriate experience. The only thing we really need to do – is get our mind and ego out of the way, and let the dance weave its magic.

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