“The shaman no longer looks for meaning in life,
but brings meaning to every situation.
The shaman stops looking for truth and instead
brings truth to every encounter.”
—Alberto Villoldo, PhD
There are so many corners of life that get short-changed when it comes to our attention. The things we think are important take precedence and if that's not enough, the things other people think are important are positioned for our attention. Somewhere on the outskirts lies a whole world to be explored, appreciated and cherished. These far horizons usually belong to our heart. Maybe they are the things that give us joy, that make our heart sing and give meaning to the greater purpose of life.
Dance is a great trickster. It takes attention away from the everyday and shifts it into spaces of feeling and experiences that open up broader possibilities. Through the dance we can expand our boundaries. We can take away the limits of perception that keep us trapped in the mundane. In fact we can just do away with them outright. And then?
And then we enter into a direct relationship with life where we make decisions based on a greater scope of choices. We move from black and white to technicolour! When we have more information about ourselves, our feelings our thoughts we can then call the tune. Without limits is where we dance our happiness, our bliss and life without any restrictions.
Christos Daskalakos
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