When last did you use your imagination to conjure up something magical? So often in life we waste our capacity to dream by focusing in drama, fear and generally the negative. How much more amazing would it be if we used our imagination to dream up some magic in our life? It may seem difficult especially when we are surrounded by the media, friends and well-wishers who think they are looking after our best interest by drawing our attention to all that is going wrong around us. Like the chorus in a Greek tragedy they form a chanting ring that has the unfortunate outcome of breaking the spirit.
A universal principle that is commonly accepted nowadays is that what we focus on expands. When we only focus on the drama we lose our sense of balance and perspective. The stories of human kindness that speak to our resilient spirit are lost in the noise. But it is hard to stop the voices around us and the voices in our head. This is where dance steps in - excuse the pun.
Dance gives us the space to re-connect, re-integrate and be re-minded of the magic in life. Magic, not so much about illusion and trickery but magic as in awe and wonder in the beauty and wonder that we easily overlook when the chorus is overshadowing our perspective and connection to life. We need to distract the voices around us and quieten the voices in our head. We do this by dropping into the body. Not in a quiet contemplative way that only opens up for space for thought and feeling but in a dynamic and powerful way that provides a holistic experience - thinking, feeling AND action. Through the dance we learn that instead of being the passive bystander in life we can move into action to create something alternative, something new, something magical.
These are our imagical dances.
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