Monday, August 9, 2021

DANCE: Here, Now!


“When the music changes so does the dance.”
_African Proverb

Life is dynamic, ever changing and ever evolving. Negotiating this adventure can be a struggle or it can be fun. When we remain stuck holding on for dear life to our stories and dramas we live a life that is always in reaction. Unfortunately that reaction is usually firmly located in those very stories and dramas. We can shift from reaction to interaction. Interaction is our ability to relate to life in the moment. It is our ability to respond to life based on what is appropriate now. We discard our habitual patterns of behaviour and draw on the wisdom of appropriateness interacting with what is presented to us so that we become the master and not the servant of life.

To enter into a vibrant state of feeling, life in its immediacy, we dance. A dance cannot evolve from preconceived patterns. Imagine that your body is moving one way, say downwards, and you believe, feel and decide it should be flying upwards. Doesn’t happen! But in the moment of going downwards you feel into what is appropriate to let you fly and suddenly you connect to the elasticity of your body and can emerge and spring upwards. This movement is the perfect metaphor for how we can engage with life in the moment. Listening and moving from what is present, here, now. Dance allows us to transcend the metaphor and to embody the feeling and practice. Dance reminds us through our body. Dance draws on our inner wisdom. Dance creates possibilities.

Dance is the perfect way to practice life!

_Christos Daskalakos

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