Monday, November 22, 2021


“On the other side of fear, lies freedom.

Dance brings freedom.

The first freedom we experience when we start to move is that we actually are able to dance. That we are in control of our own experience and that we can give expression to everything we feel. No one can really tell us how to move. They can suggest but ultimately the dance is ours. Through this we can feel total responsibility – for our dance, and for all our actions. This lets us be free from all feelings of victimhood, that others are pulling the strings and we are merely puppet dancers. We are not.

The second freedom we experience is that no one else can feel what we are feeling in our body. That our life is unique to us and even though it may seem that others are having similar experience, our experience of life is our experience of life. This gives us the feeling of being special, of having value and of being able to offer our individual contributions to life. We do have a purpose, and that is to be ourselves – to dance our own dances.

The third freedom we experience is escaping the limitations of we experience of life when we are stuck in the mind. When we dance and connect with our body we open up a wider communication with our self and with life. We are sensitised to the subtle messages we receive from our body. Dance also sensitises our perceptions of the world around us. We are fully connected, fully awake and fully alive.

_Christos Daskalakos

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