Monday, April 4, 2022


“You may be able to fight and win battles in a suit of armour,
but when you’re wearing one all of the time without knowing it,
it becomes impossible to dance.”
_William Reich

One of the fascinations of facilitating Biodanza is witnessing the gradual changes that take place in people’s bodies and movements over time. Everyone starts at a different place and has a different trajectory because we each have our own unique journey. However, what is a common theme is the way the body warms to the dance over time. In some extreme cases, movements are initially restricted and kept very contained. On the other side of the spectrum are movements that are freely flowing, employ all parts of the body and give full expression in the dance. With each class, the dancing bodies move along this spectrum towards dancing more freely. With each progression of movement and dance come more joy, spontaneity, and fun.

This is not about being able to dance like a ballet dancer! It’s also not about technique, steps, or acrobatics. It is more of a subtle letting go into the dance. Dearmouring has become a popular modality that aims to free the body. This has always been a part of Biodanza and is used subtly and with progressivity to soften the body and free the movement. When “Dearmouring” is done too quickly and with force, the results are short-lived as the defense mechanisms that created these protective forces are simply reinforced.

Through the dance, the process can be gentle. It also can accommodate and progress in accordance with the needs of each person. Dance is such a personal experience that it allows us to engage with life on our own terms. For some it takes time, for others, it may be quicker. But there comes a day when we fully let go into the dance, connect with our heart, and DANCE OUT LOUD!

_Christos Daskalakos

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