“The real dance is a spontaneous body movement that is in harmony
with the beats of the music in your heart.”
_Toba Beta
Dance improvisation is an adventure that enters unknown territory. The adventure comes from unfolding your own personal and unique experience of life through movement. To let go into the dance is a leap of faith which bears testament to strength of character. So often we are being told what to do, by all spheres of society that our capacity to explore and create our own experiences is blunted.
Dance can have two aspects. One is the choices we make in the moment. Do I step, do I turn, or am I still? The other is the chance developments that arise spontaneously in the moment of engagement. To improvise dance and allow the creative energies to flow requires a suspension of many things. Suspension of beliefs – can I do this? Suspension of judgements – am I good enough? Suspension of doubt – do I have the creative capacity?
The answer to all three of the above questions is a resounding YES for everyone, if only we would suspend the chattering mind that somehow keeps us trapped in our perpetual stories. And, drop into the body, drop into the movement, drop into the experience.
In dance improvisation we learn that there are no pre-determined solutions to life. Like the dance that unfolds, twists and turns, so does life. The power of dance is that it gives us an embodied experience of a different way of being in the world.
_Christos Daskalakos
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