“It is when we are in transition that we are completely alive.”
_William Bridges
The dancer is always in transition. Transitions are the links between movements, and the links between expressive phrases and sequences. Each gesture, each movement, each breath, is a transition. In the dance we are never still – even if it’s just the gentle motion of our breath. The quality of transitions can differ. Some are smooth as we glide across space. Some are abrupt as we land on our feet after a jump. And, some are quite complex as we use movements to prepare for some grand gesture. Each has its place and usefulness.
Transitions are the unseen moments that make a dance appear smooth and cohesive. They make our dances flow and appear effortless. That is, they do this when we allow our body to become the dance. When we let go of limiting thoughts, like, “I can’t”, “I shouldn’t” and other ‘what if’ questions.
Our dances mirror life. If we are stuck, rigid, or dissociated from life, then our dances become heavy and difficult. Each movement weighs us down with an overload of effort. Our movements become disconnected and laboured. When we consciously allow our bodies to take over, to flow in the dance and movement effortlessly we begin to embody the experiences that manifest in our lives. When my body has experienced a range of transitions through the dance, I am able to connect the dots in my own life with more ease – choosing the actions appropriate in the moment. Is it smooth, is it abrupt, or is it preparatory? All are welcome as they enrich the tapestry of experience that is our lives.
_Christos Daskalakos
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