Monday, January 9, 2023

BEING the dance

“Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order.”
_Samuel Beckett

I think that most of us would like to be creators of our own destiny.

So, how do we go about it. Usually with lots of planning, goal setting and action. Our focus is out there seeking a way to change ourselves, usually from the outside. The internet is full of good advice; exercise daily, eat healthy, tidy your space, tidy your mind, and so on. Everything well-intentioned and can’t be faulted. However, when we set up these external goals of action, we can become deflated when we don’t achieve them. Without internal motivation and determination, we soon falter, drift off, forget.

The key to achieving all those new year resolutions is not to look outside but to go inside. There we can connect with our own self, our dreams, and our aspirations. Going inside will also mean we connect with the gremlins, stories and emotions that inhibit, put up resistance, and simply get in the way. When we recognise these we can gently set them aside and move on to creating magic in our lives.

Going inside is not just about meditating or contemplation. It’s about feeling, moving, and creating. When we dance we can embody our internal landscape. Through the dance we can navigate around thoughts, limiting beliefs, and debilitating emotions. Our creative movements in the dance allow us to feel into change. We are literally moving, not only physically but in every way. Dance is integrating and it creates the perfect space for transformation. As our body moves and changes through space, so can everything else. We embody a state of being – not just doing. This opens up the space for us to become the creators of our own destiny.

_Christos Daskalakos

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