Wednesday, May 3, 2023

dance in MYSTERY

“Dance fearlessly in the beauty of the unknown,
for within the mystery lies the enchantment of endless possibilities.”

The space between the person you were and the person you become is a dance. A dance filled with passion, drama, peace, and reflection. Dance arises out of the archaic story of human evolution. At the dawn of time, it gazed upon the fire, at every mystery of life, it celebrates and expresses our emotion, and in the quiet of the night, it can be a gentle murmur towards the stars.

Dance reflects the mystery of humanity. It expresses the unknown, the hidden, and the enigmatic through movement. It is an ineffable experience that brings transformation into our lived experience. No one can dance for you. No one can live your life. This connection of direct experience is the link that makes dance so powerful.

We change, we are transformed, and we develop as human beings in the dance because in the moment it presents us with elements of surprise. It facilitates unexpected transitions from one state to another. It uncovers hidden movement in fluid movement that conveys our cosmic connection through the other. We meet, we laugh, we dance, and the cosmos smiles. That is the mystery.

_Christos Daskalakos

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for opening the space for creating the best possible life.
