Monday, September 4, 2023

For Whom the Dance Tolls

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, 
life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.”
_Langston Hughes

Twenty one years ago, VisVita was just a dream – an empty house filled a gigantic invitation.

On the 7th September 2005, we had our first Biodanza class at VisVita. Since then we have witnessed, laughter, tears, madness, sanity, chaos, peace – and much more! Every single moment facet of the kaleidoscope we call life. After facilitating a thousand classes in the studio and around 500 Aqua sessions in the pool, I pause and ask the question …”why?”

The answer is simple – “why not?”

As dancers, we create the dream. With every heart-felt movement, we paint our stories on the canvas that is this world. Our dances transcend the boundaries of the mundane and we enter the magical world where anything is possible. To dance is to embark on a journey where our souls take flight on the wings of imagination. And then, our dance brings us right back home to the inner sanctuary where we discover the enchanting symphony of life itself. The dream was always there.

I look forward to dancing with everyone this week, on such a special occasion.

Please join me after the class for some refreshments, simply to celebrate our journeys together.

_Christos Daskalakos

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