Monday, November 13, 2023

dance! WE ARE ONE

he more you dance, the more you discover about yourself.”
_Rudolf Nureyev

Dance is a holistic embodied experience that goes beyond physical movement. It has a transformative power that opens up and expands our awareness, physically, emotionally, and existentially. Through dance we become more attuned to our bodies and can easily pick up the subtle fluctuations that connect us to an ever-dynamic and changing experience of life, connecting us deeper, wider, and higher, to this mystery of our existence.

Through dance, we learn to move with intention and simultaneously find the capacity to move with fluidity making each moment an act of creation. No longer are we bound as emotional prisoners, victims of circumstance as dance provides an expressive outlet to feel, process and enjoy that part of life that is based in the heart. And, where appropriate dance can be a cathartic release helping us to let go of stress, anxiety, or any other pent-up emotions locked in our bodies.

Existential awareness means that we know the deepness and richness of all aspects of connection that make us one with the world – a cosmic whole. Dancing with another creates empathy and synchronicity and often becomes a mirror for our own understanding. The transcendent aspects of dance become a form of meditation or prayer in motion – allowing us to connect to a deeper sense of self and even magically, something greater than ourselves. Dance is an action. Dance, and truly understand what it means when all spiritual teachers tell us, “WE ARE ONE”.

_Christos Daskalakos

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