Monday, October 7, 2024

DANCE: Unfolding Essence

“Life is a dance: Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.”
_Amit Ray

Our bodies are not separate from who we are—they are us, alive and full of our essence. When we dance, we have the chance to reconnect with this truth, expressing it both inwardly and outwardly. Yet, how often do we find ourselves trying to control our movements, performing for the world, concerned with making a good impression, or trying to look right? What if instead, our dance became a spontaneous expression, free of thought and self-judgment?

In the practice of being present, we allow the music to move us while simply witnessing our movements and thoughts as they arise. When our mind drifts to past memories or future worries, we can gently return to the now by coming back to the dance. This act of returning anchors us in the moment, where pure expression lives.

Through presence in dance, we uncover the beauty of who we are, step by step, moment by moment. Life no longer feels like an external story we must react to. Instead, we witness our own creative potential, becoming both the protagonist and the choreographer of our own unfolding dance of life.

_Christos Daskalakos

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