Monday, August 24, 2020


Wednesday 26th August 2020

“Right may not be expedient, or profitable, but it will satisfy your soul.” 
- Dr. Maya Angelou 

Wisdom is doing the right thing – not only from a moral perspective but what is right for your body, what is right for your mind and what is right for your soul. How will you ever know what IS right? If we try to figure out what is right using our intellect we will be governed only by what we know and what we already believe. To feel into and intuit the wisdom innate in us we need to enter the space of the non-verbal, that is the non-thinking.

Our bodies are fine tuned to intuit what is good and right for our protection and safety. When we eat something that ‘does not agree with us’ our tummy will surely let us know. In as much as our organs send us visceral message and information, our body does the same on a very subtle level. We can FEEL when something is not right.

However to access this wisdom of the body we need to be attuned with our body. DANCE is such a powerful medium for shutting down the verbal, thinking, planning part of our brain. When we do this we enter into a different state of being or experience (vivencia) which awakens our sensitivity to our body and the subtle messages it is sending to us. We can start to feel ‘what is right’ through our dance. This way we begin DANCING WITH WISDOM.

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