“There is nothing more real than what cannot be seen
and there is nothing more real than what cannot be heard.”
- Confucius
Where are we when we dance? During these challenging times being in the virtual world of online dancing is our experience any less real? In the shamanic traditions dance is used to escape this everyday world and travel into states of heightened awareness and connection which for different traditions have various names. The San for example believe this other place to be a parallel world called First Creation where they travel to connect with spirit and receive healing.
In our humble way each week as we engage with our ubiquitous ZOOM app we too can use dance to enter into our own world. When we let go and become en-chanted, en-tranced and blissed we are entering a world of our own creation. Is this any less real that our everyday experience?
NO! The power of dance to take us into these other worlds opens up an experience which sometimes feels MORE REAL THAN REAL! What each of us accesses through these experiences is unique and specific to that moment in time which when woven with each other creates the rich tapestry of humanity. In these healing places we are able to let our emotions flow, our thoughts quieten and an intense sense of living emerges through the dance.
A blissful, healing dance. Journeying a bit more into timelessness and spacelessness and nowness. I am grateful.