“The only way to make sense of change is to plunge into it,
move with it, and join the dance.”
_Alan Watts
To restructure is to arrange things differently. When we look at life we sometimes think we have to change something or transform it. Actually just becoming conscious of the patterns and habits in our life allows a shift to happen. We don’t have to rush into change – we just have to become more awake.
The dance is a wonderful medium for making us more aware. Are we dancing the same old same old? Do we approach the dance in a habitual way …OR…do we allow ourselves the opportunity to enter the dance fresh. When we are in the moment dancing as if we are doing it for the first time – then the opportunity arises for old patterns, beliefs and systems to slowly melt away – we are restructured by the dance.
When we shift our dancing and let go out thinking, it leads us gradually into deeper contact and permission to believe in the goodness of our instinctive passions and to express the emotions that arise from that experience. Using music and movement to create integrative dance experiences has a profoundly re-balancing effect on our bodies and psyche. Our fellow dancers in a group become the healing matrix where transformation happens, as we open up to each other and allow ourselves to express our feelings and passion more authentically.
_Christos Daskalakos
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