Monday, September 6, 2021

Navigating LIFE through the DANCE

“If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.”
_H G Wells

The day started with Drew calling me to wish VisVita a Happy Birthday. One of the many voices that that have encouraged and supported this dance project over the years.

On the 7th September we celebrate 16 years of dance, laughter and fun. Also tears and sometimes challenging moments. But that is life!

We can navigate this incredible life through the dance. Our movement adds richness and depth to our experience. We interact and experience life through movement and dance. Dance integrates our wholeness so that we are fully engaged. We can express emotion but also shift and transmute these. We can express our stories but also re-form these and write new ones. We dance with others and this also gives us the opportunity to establish and enrich our relationships.

Dance holds up a mirror and we see our self and are then able to become the artist of our own life as we weave the magic through the dance, we explore, we feel and we create.

VisVita is a place to connect to this dance, a place to connect to others and a place to connect to self. This is the project – to provide a safe and contained space for everyone to experience the joy of life. It has held open the doors to everyone who wished to be part of this and will always continue to welcome anyone who ventures through them.

So Drew thanks for the reminder, and to everyone else who has supported VisVita and made this possible over the past sixteen years – THANK YOU!

_Christos Daskalakos

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