“Those who dance are thought mad by those who hear not the music.”
_Chinese Proverb
In this world where everyone is trying so desperately to be something – to make a mark – to discover their purpose; embracing the ordinariness of just being human is considered odd. So often we seek the extraordinary that we forget to take pleasure in the ordinary. If we look around we see that a simple flower, a simple coffee, a simple smile, can be the source of immense joy and pleasure.
I realise this in the dance. Often the dances that allow us to go deep are the most ordinary. Breathing, pulsating, moving gently to the rhythm; all give us access to deep connection. Through the simple dance, we can connect with great sensitivity to ourselves. This is because we don’t have our attention distracted by dance acrobatics, dramatic emotion, and the fascination of ever being more novel. Of course, these have their place, and life is about balance and harmony.
However sometimes we can connect with ease, dance gently, and have the most profound experience. At the end of the day, any dance that allows us to connect fully to our self, open our hearts has the ability to transform the most ordinary, into the most extraordinary.
_Christos Daskalakos
I danced this on Wednesday Nov 3, not the 1st. It was the most exquisite ordanariness, Small acts of kindness to my body-mind and spirit wrapped in each dance, each piece of music, I Am Grateful. At Peace.