Monday, April 18, 2022

the FREEDOM of dance

“Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit.”
_Herbert Hoover

Dance is a powerful way to experience freedom.

Freedom means different things to each of us. For some it is physical - the freedom to move around. For others mental - the freedom of choice and expression. And for others, it's the freedom to feel. Whichever way we define freedom at its core we all are seeking existential freedom to express ourselves fully in whichever way we choose.

In the dance we explore and feel our full agency. It is our body that moves. It is our movements that express. It is our expression that finds its freedom in the dance. When we allow our creativity to flow in the dance, we are able to break free from limiting constraints imposed either externally by society or internally by our own fears and stories we tell ourselves.

As the dance unfolds and we realise that the source of this wonderful expression is ourselves, we embody a deep freedom that allows us to fully express ourselves. In conscious dance, there are no mistakes, no wrong steps and nothing has to ever be corrected. The dance in the moment is just that, the dance. And when we learn to accept this, we find that we can easily accept ourselves. This is the ultimate goal as we fully accept, love and express ourselves in the world, we find we can connect with the experience of freedom, irrespective of what is going on in the world around us. The source of freedom is within.

_Christos Daskalakos

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