Monday, May 27, 2024

UN-DECIDING - dance improvisation

“Take more chances, dance more dances.

When we improvise our dance, we let go of the part of our mind that controls, plans, and makes decisions. This surrender allows us to drop into the dance, where one movement naturally follows another, free from preconceived notions. The liberation from deliberate thought enables a deeper connection to our bodies and the present moment.

As the dance unfolds, we find ourselves in a space of learning how to "undecide"—to release the rational mind that usually dominates our actions. This process invites us to trust the natural flow of life, mirroring how we move in the dance. By letting go of control, we open ourselves to spontaneity and authenticity in each step and gesture.

In this state of flow, the dance becomes a metaphor for life itself, teaching us to navigate without overthinking. We learn to embrace uncertainty and to trust our instincts, allowing each movement to emerge organically. This practice not only enriches our dance but also fosters a more intuitive and liberated approach to living.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, May 20, 2024


“Dancing is not an expression of the body 
– but of the Heart…Mind and Soul.

Dance transcends mere physical movements; it is an expression emerging from the deepest corners of our hearts. When we let go of the conviction that we are crafting and creating our dances, what emerges in the flow of our movements is nothing less than a revelation of our innermost essence.

Dance is the soul’s age-old song, a reawakening of rhythms and melodies buried and lying dormant beneath the noises of life. When the ego steps out of the way, the tired stories we carry in our heads subside and the eternal dance of our spirit can emerge.

Dance serves as a mirror that reflects our deepest truths. By surrendering to the dance, we allow this inherent beauty to flow and be seen by the world. The uninhibited expression becomes the dance that not only connects us to our deepest beauty but resonates and connects us to what is marvellous in those around us.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, May 13, 2024

dancing our interconnectedness

“The love that puts the cosmic dance of galaxies into motion 
also beats our heart.”
_Harold W Becker

The cosmic spiral is a symbol of infinite potential. Representing growth, evolution and cyclical nature of existence it also becomes a beautiful metaphor for the interconnectedness of everything. This universal harmony can be expressed in dance. When we dive into the depths of the pulsating heartbeat of our dances we experience the ineffable essence of fusion and unity.

Losing track of where the solid body ends and dynamic movement begins our dances spiral outwards becoming ever more creative, transcending boundaries and limitations that allow us to experience that cosmic infinity of all possibilities. When the dance emerges spontaneously arising out of the inner impetus of feeling and vitality it manifests in ever diverse forms. Each iteration of our inner dances winds its way inwards and outwards connecting, integrating, and expressing body, mind and soul.

When we dance this magnificent interconnectedness our movements become testament to the boundless potential of our existence. In the rhythm we shed and let go memories and stories opening up new chapters waiting to be written. In the melody, we feel into, expand and transmute those lingering emotions whose time is past. The invitation is then for us to continue to dance with passion and purpose, embracing  this cosmic infinity of all possibilities and celebrate the profound interconnectedness and unity that binds all our dances into the grand mystery of life.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, May 6, 2024

DANCE: Embodied Resonance

“To see we must forget the name of the thing we are looking at.”
_Claude Monet

In the depths of our dance we often resonate with a profound sense of discovery, unlocking new dimensions of perception through our movements. At the moment of insight it feels like our entire body releases, revealing previously hidden perspectives and possibilities. The essence of these magical moments lies in the physical movements – a silent dialogue between dance and dancer – and witnessed on a level beyond words.

Dance unshackles the stories we carry in our memories and imagination. The personal narrative of self in our minds begins to melt away as we drop into our bodies. The dancing body serves as a conduit for creating new meaning that leads to transformation – a process of reinvention or recalibration of the dancer’s essence. Transcending all verbal communication we resonate with the energies that dance us towards a deeper understanding of self.

In the dance we are immersed fully in the present moment where the convergence of physical motion and emotional resonance blur the boundaries of our Ego allowing a profound connection to self that is transcendent. Within this dynamic interplay, dance becomes the canvas on which every facet of our being, physical, emotional, and spiritual convergence into the creative act of pure being.

_Christos Daskalakos