Monday, May 27, 2024

UN-DECIDING - dance improvisation

“Take more chances, dance more dances.

When we improvise our dance, we let go of the part of our mind that controls, plans, and makes decisions. This surrender allows us to drop into the dance, where one movement naturally follows another, free from preconceived notions. The liberation from deliberate thought enables a deeper connection to our bodies and the present moment.

As the dance unfolds, we find ourselves in a space of learning how to "undecide"—to release the rational mind that usually dominates our actions. This process invites us to trust the natural flow of life, mirroring how we move in the dance. By letting go of control, we open ourselves to spontaneity and authenticity in each step and gesture.

In this state of flow, the dance becomes a metaphor for life itself, teaching us to navigate without overthinking. We learn to embrace uncertainty and to trust our instincts, allowing each movement to emerge organically. This practice not only enriches our dance but also fosters a more intuitive and liberated approach to living.

_Christos Daskalakos

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