Monday, May 20, 2024


“Dancing is not an expression of the body 
– but of the Heart…Mind and Soul.

Dance transcends mere physical movements; it is an expression emerging from the deepest corners of our hearts. When we let go of the conviction that we are crafting and creating our dances, what emerges in the flow of our movements is nothing less than a revelation of our innermost essence.

Dance is the soul’s age-old song, a reawakening of rhythms and melodies buried and lying dormant beneath the noises of life. When the ego steps out of the way, the tired stories we carry in our heads subside and the eternal dance of our spirit can emerge.

Dance serves as a mirror that reflects our deepest truths. By surrendering to the dance, we allow this inherent beauty to flow and be seen by the world. The uninhibited expression becomes the dance that not only connects us to our deepest beauty but resonates and connects us to what is marvellous in those around us.

_Christos Daskalakos

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