Monday, July 15, 2024

DANCING: Life's Harmony

“The body is the physical aspect of the personality, and
movement is the personality made visible”
Mary Whitehouse – Authentic Movement

The human body is a miracle of architectural harmony. A skeleton that cannot hold itself upright and an organic mass of flesh combine in a sophisticated balance that allows this body to stand, to walk, and to dance. Each of these actions is a natural progression – dance is an intrinsic part of human movement. The range of movement, the combinations, and energetic content make it possible for each of us to express our individual and unique identity.

Dance is not just a form of physical expression but a profound means of communication. The freedom to express ourselves through dance not only promotes physical health but also offers an outlet for mental well-being. The balance between body and mind through dance naturally fosters a shared experience through which we can transcend our individuality and connect with a sense of oneness. The magic of this path of transcendence is that it brings life into focus. Instead of being hooked on the detail, vision expands, feelings emerge, and insights arise that allow us to contextualize and resolve anything life throws at us.

The mind and body are one. This beautiful human system allows us to balance life, simply by dancing. As the physical body rediscovers the pleasure and joy of movement, so does life begin to flow with ease. Pleasure and joy of movement translate into pleasure and joy of life. Dance, our birthright, is the means through which we can enrich and deepen our connection to life.

_Christos Daskalakos

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