Monday, July 29, 2024

DANCE: Making the invisible, visible

“Dance is emotion in motion.

Dance is the bridge between our inner and outer worlds. It transforms the invisible into the visible allowing us to express emotions and feelings that are often hidden beneath the surface. Through our movements, we make our inner world more tangible and accessible not only to ourselves but to the world around us.

Our emotions are not always easy to articulate with words, but dance offers a universal language. Whether joyful, sorrowful, or contemplative, each movement can convey a spectrum of emotions, making it possible for others to understand and connect with our inner state. This expression fosters a deeper connection between the dancer and others, as well as between the dancer and their own emotions.

By integrating our inner and outer experiences, dance helps us navigate and make sense of the world. It allows us to embody our feelings, transforming them into something tangible and expressive. In this way, dance not only enhances our self-awareness but also bridges the gap between our internal emotions and the external world, creating a harmonious balance between the two.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, July 22, 2024

DANCE - Awakening the Inner Artist

“Creativity is seeing what others see 
and thinking what no one else ever thought.”
_Albert Einstein

Emerging from the depths of our natural instinct is the desire to express ourselves – to define our identity and have a presence in the world around us. Dance can counteract the distorted view that to do so is egotistical. Every moment of cultural suppression can slowly dissolve through our moving bodies. The dynamic aspect of dancing can literally shift our point of view and allow us to reconnect with what is pure and innocent.

Existential expression is the key to our creativity and the myriad of possible dances that reside in our bodies awaken and emerge when we allow ourselves to be moved by the power of music. The powerful combination of music and dance not only allow us to connect with emotion but also to revisit those pivotal moments in life where the natural flow of our being was either diverted or suppressed.

The key to shifting culturally or societal impositions is to rediscover the joy and pleasure in living. Through the dance we find this moment of magic when we transcend the ego and melt into the movement, dissolving in the music only to remerge with the freedom that allows us to explode into this state in our unique and marvellous way.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, July 15, 2024

DANCING: Life's Harmony

“The body is the physical aspect of the personality, and
movement is the personality made visible”
Mary Whitehouse – Authentic Movement

The human body is a miracle of architectural harmony. A skeleton that cannot hold itself upright and an organic mass of flesh combine in a sophisticated balance that allows this body to stand, to walk, and to dance. Each of these actions is a natural progression – dance is an intrinsic part of human movement. The range of movement, the combinations, and energetic content make it possible for each of us to express our individual and unique identity.

Dance is not just a form of physical expression but a profound means of communication. The freedom to express ourselves through dance not only promotes physical health but also offers an outlet for mental well-being. The balance between body and mind through dance naturally fosters a shared experience through which we can transcend our individuality and connect with a sense of oneness. The magic of this path of transcendence is that it brings life into focus. Instead of being hooked on the detail, vision expands, feelings emerge, and insights arise that allow us to contextualize and resolve anything life throws at us.

The mind and body are one. This beautiful human system allows us to balance life, simply by dancing. As the physical body rediscovers the pleasure and joy of movement, so does life begin to flow with ease. Pleasure and joy of movement translate into pleasure and joy of life. Dance, our birthright, is the means through which we can enrich and deepen our connection to life.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, July 8, 2024


“To be awake is to be alive.”
_Henry David Thoreau

The primary purpose of the brain is to produce complex movements, which are essential for interacting with our environment and learning about life. Conscious dance amplifies this movement by incorporating all aspects of our humanity—feeling, expression, and creativity. Through dance, we awaken our presence in the world, becoming more attuned to the moment.

Instead of operating on autopilot, as if in a half-sleep, dance heightens our senses, enabling us to engage deeply with the world and the people around us. This practice brings us into a state of heightened awareness, where we can fully connect with our surroundings. The act of dancing fosters a profound sense of being awake and alive.

Dance also increases our awareness of our bodies and the signals we receive both internally and externally. This heightened awareness brings a vibrancy and aliveness, allowing us to connect more vitally with life. Through conscious dance, we tap into a deep well of vitality and presence, enriching our experience of the world.

_Christos Daskalakos

Monday, July 1, 2024


“The dance goes on forever. So shall I. So shall we.”
_Gelsey Kirkland

In the dance we reach a common place – a point of contact where we find each other in delight. Whereas languages often separate us, dance emerges as a universal form of communication that transcends the barriers of “other”. In our dance we are able to connect with each other on a deeper level, finding common ground that words alone cannot reach. The movements we make tell stories that resonate with our shared humanity, fostering understanding and empathy.

Physical expression through our dance often bypasses our differences, allowing us to communicate in a way that is both primal and profound. As we move, we reveal our innermost selves, creating a space where connection and unity can be nurtured.

Dance invites us to celebrate the universality of the human experience. We are not separate beings. We belong collectively to the living pulse that echoes through this cosmos. We are both individuals but also part of the whole. When we connect deeply with one another in the dance, we can transcend into the ecstasy of this fusion with the whole.

_Christos Daskalakos